Translated as 'hospitality', Omotenashi is a Japanese word which represents the act of providing detailed service in a variety of ways to allow guests to spend a relaxing and memorable time by putting customers first.

But it is also more than that.

To the Japanese, Omotenashi is not just the conventional excellent customer service, but aiming to provide "an elevated politeness that makes customers feel valued and respected”.


Japan is known for their excellent customer service, sometimes to the point where it seems like you are supposed to be treated incredibly well by anyone who is serving you. And because of this expectation, it sometimes seems as if their warm smiles and kind gestures are taken to be the norm and in turn, taken for granted. As a result, their efforts sometimes go unnoticed, or unappreciated.

These are few of the many people who work tirelessly in Japan to make sure their customers receive the best they can give, taken from the different cities I visted. Click on the photo for a closer look.

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